A Strong Music Tradition Established by our School Founders.


Chorus is a time when students work both individually and collectively to build their music skills in singing, sight-reading, and ear-training. They study music from the western choral tradition as well as music from different cultures, and will sing in many languages.

Each year different repertoire is chosen based on choral standards, the group’s strengths, and to further vocal development. Sixth grade students are required to join chorus. Seventh and eighth grade students usually continue to serve in chorus, but by audition. PROS membership also requires an audition.

PROS Performances

  • On the Road

    Now that the COVID restrictions have lifted, PROS resume a practice held since our founding—performing at venues throughout the region. Here, students accompanied Ms. Mauldin to perform when she was a presenter at the OAKE ((Organization of American Kodaly Educators) ) National Conference in Pittsburgh.

  • School Events

    Throughout the year, PROS students serve the school community through their performance at events for everything from the Lunar New Year to the New Family Welcome Tea. Pictured above, PROS perform at the Sidewalk Spirit Tunnel in front of the school the morning of our basketball team’s competition in the Final Four.

  • Worship Celebrations

    Las Posadas, a Mexican custom that has long been a tradition at Mustard Seed School, is just one of many school worship celebrations where PROS perform. Along with Mary & Joseph, we travel as a community through the neighborhood looking for a posada (dwelling) for Mary & Joseph. As we process around Church Square Park, we find that there is no room until we arrive at Mustard Seed School, a place where Mary, Joseph, and the whole community are welcome. Once at the school, we come together to hear the Christmas story and music from MSS ensembles.